As previously stated, this Truth is not about a call to pray, many of us are already praying, this is about a call to Always Pray about Everything. Which is an additional measure that is worth reminding.

Over the past few talks we’ve been discussing how Prayerlessness, the fact of not praying consistently, comes with some side effects that can cause us not to have, not to be, and not to do all, that God intends for us.

Many times, we pray what I call circumstantial prayers. We pray when we feel the circumstance warrants it. If we need money, we’ll pray, if we need healing, we’ll pray, if we need vengeance, we’ll pray, if we need rescued, we’ll pray, if we need favor, we’ll pray, if we feel like it, we’ll pray.

Circumstantial prayers could also easily be called the “I Need Prayers.”

But what about God’s needs? Well, those are called Upward Focused Prayers, the ones that help us be all that God desires for us.

We can only be, all that we are supposed to be, through God and with God.

God needs for us to focus on Him and not our situations and circumstances, which are temporary. Those are the things that hold us back from being all that we were intended to be.

“Pray Always, in all circumstances” 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Prayer is God’s love language. It is how we respond to God’s perpetual outpouring of love. It’s called adoration.

Adoration is our spontaneous and continual response from our hearts to worship, honor, praise, magnify, uplift, and bless God for being God.

Through adoration we show our selfless devotion to God. He is the main ingredient in our life. For without him we would have no life.

In our Upward Focused Prayers of adoration, we focus on nothing but his goodness. As we do this something wonderful is taking place on the inside of us. We now realize that we, are all that we need to be, because he is all, that we need.

Acts 17:28 says, “For in Him, we live, move, and have our being.”

Another version says, “We live and move and are all that we are in him”

We don’t need a degree to be, we don’t need a mate to be, we don’t need a certain profession to be, we don’t need wealth to be, we already are what we need to be, because we are God’s creation.

God made us enough when he made us. The truth of this resonates and stays with us when we pray Upward Focused Prayers. When we offer up to him our prayers of adoration.

The greater that we seek, He is, the greater we seek for ourselves is in being his creation.

Our goal becomes to cherish Him, because of who he is, and all that he has already done. We don’t need to ask for another thing. We have it all.

Sometimes we love and respect others just for who they are. That’s how God wants us to view him. We love you Lord, just because you are you.

When we pray upward focused prayers, we are simply praying like little children who have love and tenderness in their hearts for their Father.

This is a heart prayer, also known as Abba Prayers.

You may want to give God a special love name that causes you to let down your guard and be vulnerable in love, like Papa, My Beloved, or some other name that evokes tenderness from your heart.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed call out to your Papa.

If you are having disturbing thoughts, return to your special name for God, and those distractions will be driven out.

Even if you must do it repeatedly, you have made numerous love gestures towards God. Surely, he will come see about his child.

Love language becomes perfectly natural for those in love.

Even falling asleep in your upward focused prayers is not a problem. In his presence he gives us peace and rest. We just fell asleep in Papa’s arms.

Say this with me will you. Abba, I belong to you.


This is a Thompson Truth                            


