A Seeker is someone who cannot, or will not, just settle for the canned or status quo responses to the big questions about life and spirituality. 

Traditional answers won’t suffice us any longer. There is a void that needs to be filled. Something inside us drives us to look and dig deeper for the answers. We begin to crave something more substantive.

We don’t belong to any particular Demographic grouping, we are all in a Psycho- graphic grouping together. Which simply means we think alike. 

Seeking the Truth is more important to us than anything else. The Truth that WE have come to know personally. Not what we’ve heard from someone else. Not what we have read. We seek to know the Truth for ourselves. And well, we should.

It is imperative that we seek whole heart-idly until we find the Truth.

Seekers are Finders.

We must continue to seek until we are convinced within the deepest parts of ourselves that what we know the Truth. 

Finding the Truth doesn’t mean that we stop learning or seeking. It means we go deeper into the Truth that we know.

So that we can share the Truth with other Seekers.

We go from Seekers to Finders. Because we are Finders that makes us Believers. Believers who now can become Sharers. Sharers of the Truth.

You are reading or listening this because you have questions? And you are seeking answers that you cannot find on your own.  Well, you are heading in the right direction! 

Keep Seeking!  

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”    


This is a Thompson Truth.  
