Everything is meant to be replaced. Everything!

Your baby teeth, Replaced. Your 1st hair style, Replaced. Your clothes, your toothbrush, your 1st car, Replaced, Replaced, Replaced.

Your 1st bed, your 1st job, your 1st kiss, your 1st crush, Replaced, Replaced, Replaced, Replaced.

Your 1st mind, yes, that old thing should have been Replaced.

Please don’t tell me you’re still walking around with that same old mind that you had in middle school. You’re gonna need more than just milk money to make it through life as an adult.

I know you still don’t have that same old mind that caused you to make THE decision, you know the one I’m talking about. That same old mind that you had when you didn’t see IT coming. That same old mind that led you to choose _________. That same old mind that…

Not that mind. Naw playa! It’s time for an upgrade. Let God upgrade you!

We can’t change Gods mind, but we can change our mind to God’s.

I’m sure some have said, boy I wished I could read Gods mind.

You can! He commissioned several [Holy] Ghost writers to publish a world renown best seller of all time, detailing his every thought on all things that pertain to us. Complete with FAQ’s.

From the Genesis all the way through to the great Revealing. It’s a great read.

The good news is that in addition to reading Gods mind we can also get Gods mind.

That’s what it says in Philippians 2:5“Let this same mind be in you that was in the Son of God Christ Jesus” We can actually have Gods mind.

We need to learn to love God with the mind, and not just with the mouth.

A good friend of mine often reminds me, “A Mouth will say anything”. Shout out to AJ. A mouth is fickle,  a mind is a force.

The mind is the birthplace of all our thoughts. It’s the place where we decide all our decisions. Whether we stand or hide. Whether we work with you or work you over. Whether we edify or write the epitaph.

This is the location where reasoning and understanding reside. Decisions are made here whether we’ll be honorable or vindictive, hate or heal, righteousness or wretchedness,  bless, or curse. Life or death are decided here.

That’s why need Gods mind to help us make good decisions. God knows our old minds haven’t worked to well for us thus far.

To get Gods mind, we need to 1st understand who God is.

God is a Sprit. John 4:24.

He is not a genie, he is not a concept, he is not a figment of someone’s imagination, he is not a symbol, he is not the universe. He is a Spirit.

“…and they that worship him should do so in Spirit and Truth.”

This tells us that God is Spirit. So we must focus on the Spirit.

The quickest way to get Gods mind is through these 2 paths:

1.    Patterns                         2. Beliefs

Patterns display the things we do. Patterns are our habits. How we apply the information that we receive. What we do with what we get.

Beliefs come from our intake. The things we see, watch, listen to, are told, hang around and meditate on. Beliefs come from our environment.

To have Gods mind we must be Spiritually minded to flow in the Spirit.

That means our Patterns and Beliefs must be focused on Spiritual things.

We can’t keep having a Pattern of gossiping or plotting our revenge.

We can’t have a Belief that things are always working against us.

We need new Patterns and Beliefs to go with our new Spiritual mind.

That’s why we must develop a Pattern of doing Spiritual things, Like…

·       Talking to God more than we talk to ourselves or others.

·       Reading the mind of God several times a day.

·       Listening to quality uplifting words and sounds throughout the day.

·       Limiting the distractions of non-spiritual things.

·       Speaking uplifting words over ourselves and others.

·       Resist the temptation to be feeling focused.

·       Keep your heart open to hear God speak his words to you.

As for Our Beliefs. They are directly related to the things we harbor on. Those things that we go over again and again in our minds. Our meditation.

David said this. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable unto you O Lord. Psalm 19

Here are some Spiritual acceptable things that we can meditate on:

·       Something that you read from the mind of God

·       Something that you heard another believer of God say.

·       A particular passage, poem, or song that uplifts your spirit.

·       Gods glory you saw in nature.

·       A kind act you did or saw someone else do.

·       Something that encourages you.

·       Keep reminding ourselves to seek Gods council on everything.

God says, as we think so are we. So, Think New, Get New, Be New!

This is a Thompson Truth


