In a recent Truth, we talked about Emotionalism, those times when we fail to control our emotions, and then an emotional tsunami erupts and destroys everything.  EMOTIONALISM — Benton T. Thompson III (bentonthompsoniii.com)                                                                      

Truth #1 - Our Emotions were given to us by God.     


Next, we learned to notate and take inventory of our emotions as they occur. EMOTIONALISM - EMOTIONAL MINDEDNESS — Benton T. Thompson III (bentonthompsoniii.com)

Truth #2 – Understanding comes by way of Awareness.            


Today, we will learn how to apply Emotional Management to those feelings. 

Truth #3 - You are not your Emotions.

You are not what you feel. Emotions are just temporary feelings, they will pass. Our emotions will be gone, and we will still be here left to deal with the aftermath.

Question: Where do feelings come from? Answer: Wisdom Book / Proverbs 23:7                                              

“As a man thinketh, so is he”. In other words, Feelings come from a thought.

If you change your thought, you will change what you are feeling.

Recently I heard on the news that there is a new strain of an airborne disease that attacks the ear drums, and it causes people to get lightheaded, dizzy, and die.

See how those words made you feel anxious, worried, or caused some emotion.

Words, come from Thoughts, and thoughts, create Emotions.

That’s why food advertisements make you FEEL hungry.

Our emotional lives are driven by what we think. Or what others want us to think.

The good news is Feelings are Controllable! Don’t allow you thoughts to be hijacked by your emotions.

Look at these hints that God provides for us.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any virtue or truth in it and if there is anything praiseworthy about it – then let your thoughts dwell on those things.” Philippians 4:8

“Be renewed in your spirit by your mind” Ephesians 4:23

“…take your thoughts captive, and make them obey” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Question: What happens when we think happy thoughts Answer: We’ll be happy

We must decide who oversees our thoughts and thus our emotions.

Our emotions are a choice. You can decide which emotions you will have. Just because a thought comes, doesn’t mean you have to act it out, emotionally.

Here are 3 Ds to help you Manage Your Emotions

1.     DECIDE

Throughout the day Decide how you want to feel, then feel it. Be intentional.



Continuously clear out/Declutter all negative thought. Don’t be a hoarder!


3.     DEVELOP

Have a plan Developed for recovery WHEN you lose it. Not If, but WHEN!

Many of us struggle with our emotions because of a past trauma.                                                 

We were never taught how to deal with our emotions. Anger, grief, hurt, etc.

I said in the beginning that God gave us our emotions. He wants us to be in touch with our feelings, know how and why we are feeling them, and then learn to express them in a healthy way for ourselves and those around us.

This is our WHY!

And the greatest of these is Love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Without our emotions we could never feel love. Sweet, Beautiful, Love.

Love from a person, Love from God, or Love for a person. Thank God for love!

God searches our hearts, so don’t try to be perfect, just keep trying to do your best.                              

This is a Thompson Truth


